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Pragmatism is an American Philosophy from early 20th century.According to pragmatism, the truth or knowledge meaning of an idea or a proposition lies in its observational  practical consequences rather than anything metaphysical. It can be summarized by the phrase “whatever works is likely true, because reality changes whatever works will also change. And as such truth must also be changeable and no one can claim to possess any final or ultimate truth. It is also described sometimes as the Philosophy of doing. Pragmatism holds that knowledge or truth comes from interaction with the environment .
Pragmatism and the aims of education
Pragmatism is closely related to modern education. It believes in change education and opposes traditional education.The aims of education are not fixed but a always changing  with times, places and circumstances.No specific aim of education can be predetermine which holds true and good to all children at all times, places and situations The aims of education to the pragmatist is dynamic to provide new values and to provide such dynamic direction and guidance to the child according to his natural interest, aptitude and capacities in the field of academic activities.
Characteristics of pragmatic education
- Education is life
- Education is growth
- Education is continuous reconstruction of experience
- Education as a social process
- Education as a responsibility of the state.
Pragmatism and curriculum 
The curriculum should be based on the principle of utility.
Only those activities, experiences and subjects useful to the present needs of the learner and also meet future expectations of adult life should be included in the curriculum. It condemns the principles of cramming and encourages original thinking and freedom to develop social and purposeful altitude.
Pragmatism and method of teaching
It favours the project methods and considers it active and dynamic.Through this method the child learn by his own activities and experiences.
Teacher only teaches,leaning is by doing.

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